Last time on the blog we discussed 5 Character Traits of Successful Small Business Owners. One of the most important characteristics a small business owner can possess is that of resourcefulness. Being able to find and put to use quality information is an essential part of success!
One of the many ways a business owner can become more knowledgeable about what's available to them is to consume quality content through blogs that cater to the small business demographic. As a company American Machine Works, Inc. has been reading up on small business approaches for many years but more recently we’ve found several blogs to be incredibly helpful when it comes to running a small business in 2020.
We've chosen our four favorite blogs geared towards small businesses ownership and success and have outlined them below. These blogs range in topics from finance to psychological insight into yourself and employees - but each of them provides quality information and direction to anyone looking for additional resources concerning small business success!
If you’re looking to build your small business by doing strategic online marketing and SEO, this blog is for you. Not only is it incredibly easy to navigate – the “how to” is laid out in an easy to follow manner for anyone wanting to learn the basics of marketing, (especially when you have no idea where to begin!)
Thinking of diving headfirst into the world of small business? There’s plenty of financial information you need to be aware of before you make any big moves. TaxBuzz has a wealth (pun intended) of information on everything from the current COVID-19 pandemic small business loans to information on why NOT lying on your taxes is incredibly important. (Pro-tip – if you’re in search of an accountant not afraid of a little jail time or ways to bend the law in your favor – this isn’t the place. Also, maybe reconsider those ideas.)
By reputation the name Harvard may give the impression of being stiff or stuffy but their business review is anything but stilted! From articles on motivating employees and sustainability to networking and conflict management, this site has an all-encompassing approach to small business. You are required to register but once you do, you have access to 4 free articles per month. In this case, however, the annual subscription is well worth the financial investment.
We’d be remiss if we mentioned the word entrepreneur in this article and didn’t reference Gary Vaynerchuk. GaryVee, as he is famously known, is a serial (and very successful) entrepreneur and the ultimate hype man. If you’re looking for some straightforward motivation and aren’t afraid of a few swear words Gary is the person who will help motivate you to get your business ideas moving in the right direction. (Not to mention he knows a thing… or 64 things about content creation to help guide your social media marketing.)
We live in a time where we are provided easy access to information. There is no excuse for a lack of resourcefulness when it comes to running a successful small business. From the computer on your desk to the phone in your hand, you’re only a few clicks away from an abundance of knowledge and resources to help you start, sustain, grow and successfully run your business – so what are you waiting for? Happy reading and as always – we’ve enjoyed talking shop with you.